Stuff that doesn't fit with everything else. That's what makes it awesome.

Millinillions and You! The Land of Losers predicts the future!

A millinillion is a 1 with 3003 zeros after it. Have you ever imagined what the Earth would look like a millinillion years from now? Well, through extensive research and a realization that I probably belong in an insane asylum, I'm on a quest to find out...

Anyone with 2 ears and a brain has heard all the stories about how humanity is destroying the Earth through pollution and other nasties. Well, they're right. Due to us humans becoming so complex and smart (huh?) we are now a major influence on the state of our planet! We could start the apocalypse, or we could prevent it.... Anyways, it will supposedly take around 5 billion years for the Sun to burn out. That's a long time! I do hope it doesn't, though, because some pretty hardcore stuff's in line!

For example, take the Ice Ages. Even if you've only seen the animated movies, you'll know that an ice age= what happens when the Earth goes on an extended holiday on the top of Mount Everest! Of course, no one can know for sure how long it will be until the next ice age, but we can make predictions! It's been about 11,000 years since the last one, but with global warming screwing up the atmosphere, I'm not so sure how well spaces between past ice ages work as predictors. Some people say we'll be back into ice age mania in as many as 50,000 years! Hopefully, that means we have time to, you know, buy snow suits and all that stuff.

Ok, so the next ice age is likely to occur before the Sun goes bye-bye. But what about the shifting of the tectonic plates? Well, approximately 250 million years from now, all of the continents will have sufficiently fused into one Supercontinent, known as Pangea Ultima! There have been supercontinents in the distant past, so don't just go out and call me crazy. However, the continents won't just magically smoosh together in a matter of seconds. They're actually moving right now! No fear, though. In the average human lifespan, you won't notice anything. In my opinion, they should get working on the whole immortality concept, because I want to be there when I can walk from Japan to Norway. Eliminate the sardinelike feel of airplane cabins!

There's a good chance there might not even be people around to walk to Norway from Japan, though. 250 million years is a long time.... If humanity hasn't gone extinct yet, they may have evolved into something completely different! That's another reason why we need immortality... think about how cool it would be to communicate with an evolved supersapiens from the future!

Ok, so I lied. A millinillion years from now, there probably won't be an Earth. However, there may still be a universe! Yay! watch out for Millinillions 2: THE UNIVERSE!