Pwning Noobs...
Peace, Love, Video Games O_O

The Gamecube!                                                                                                    by Jarrod Patrone


`   This was definitely Nintendo’s first and only cube shaped system. It was a great system though, and I still have one sitting in my room that gets played every few days. Lets face it, the Gamecube isn’t nearly as hi-tech and nice as the game systems we have today, but it was one of the better systems on the market at the time. The graphics aren’t so amazing but it’s the quality of the system that counts. Its an overall fun system. Games like “Paper mario: The thousand year door” and “Super smash bros. melee” really made that system. The best thing about Gamecube, It’s CHEAP! Its an older system so it sells for little money. The worst thing about Gamecube though, MEMORY CARDS. You can’t save a game with out one and that is where they really get you, you have to pay $20 for a memory card when you only payed $30 for the system, absolute bullshit. Overall I give this system and 8/10. And on the plus size, the cube shape fits perfectly on my dresser!


  • The system is small and compact.

  • You can get everything you need for it for a pretty good deal.

  • Certain games a very fun and you don’t rage very often.

  • Fun to play with friends.

  • Controller feels comfortable in hands.


  • Memory Cards suck balls.

  • The discs are small and break easily. I know from experience.

  • Graphics aren’t as great.

  • It can sometimes be hard to find good titles for the system.

  • Wired controllers get very annoying. Wireless controllers are made, but have square body and awkward feel to them.

Super Smash Bros. Melee- A Review                                                                   By Jarrod Patrone


Super Smash Bros. is arguably the best games out there for the Gamecube system. It was made by Nintendo, so it was only sold on the current Nintendo system which at the time was the Gamecube. So here is a breakdown of the game. Basically, you have every single Nintendo character you can dream of and you get to fight it out using objects, special powers, and melee combat. The game modes are fully customizable and it is sort of like a street fighter game, except graphics are better, there are more characters, and the game in general is more interactive. It’s nice being able to get a few friends and brawl it out with your favorite Nintendo hero. Also the game features a story mode that can be played with every character, and it also features a objective mode where there is a set objective which you have to complete. The game can be picked up for $10-$20 at your local gaming store. It’s fun to play with friends, or play alone too! Overall this game gets a 9/10.


  • Boredom is very rare when playing this game seeing it can be very customizable and options can be limitless.

  • You can play by yourself against computers who’s skill level can be adjusted.

  • There are many different characters and maps you can play on.

  • Another cheap Gamecube game!

  • Graphics aren’t half bad!


  • If your looking for a good story mode this isn’t for you. It does have one but it is very short seeing the game is mainly focused on the free-for-all style fighting.

  • Some characters are not nearly as powerful as others. This causes extreme irritation when your stuck with the shitty character nobody wants.

  • The controls can be awkward at times, for example there is more than one jump button. What the hell?